Zero Context 2: the death sub

The words "Zero Context" over a grungy blue background. A large number 2 sits inside a purple square.

We’ve made it to route 2 of our 999 playthrough, not far enough to escape the Nonary Games but able to glimpse the sub just out of reach. This time, Axe and Nathalie went through doors 4 -> 3 -> 2, leading everyone to a terrible end but a terrific route to get there. We dig in to what it means for this to be a failure route, lament frustrating character tropes, and get owned by bad puzzles.

Next Time on Zero Context
The Axe Ending, via doors 5 -> 8 -> 1

Things Discussed
- Thematic/structural significance of the “skip” button
- 999 is not a visual novel
- Player agency vs character motivation
- Everything ends horribly
- Snake, the rudest and fanciest boy
- Ableist disability superpowers
- Rude humiliation puzzles
- Convenient rule amnesia
- Petty thermometer facts
- Rabbit massacre romance
- Throwaway syringe ending
- “Live, laugh, love” -Junpei
- Sent to the bottom to think about our failures
- Seven, the cop in the yellow suit
- Junpei, the patagonia frat boy
- Lotus, every anime trope about a woman
- Epic Bechdel test fail
- Science CGs that look like shit posts
- Zero who?
- Death by sub
- The quiet hopelessness of a creaking ship

Intro: “9hours, 9persons, 9doors” by Shinji Hosoe
Outro: “Quietus” by Shinji Hosoe

Transcripts will (hopefully) be available for future episodes.

Produced by Axe (@wing_blade_) with cover art by Nathalie (@BOOitsnathalie).

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