A Commonplace conversation with Max Miller

Banner for KRITIQAL Care episode 62, featuring Max Miller.

Max Miller (they/them) is a composer, writer, and game designer. As part of new studio Pitter-Patter, they released Commonplace (2022), an ordinary adventure game about working in an office. For this episode, Max spent some time talking about the game’s experimental development, how they structured the soundtrack as a companion work, and a desire to make games that push against consumption driven mechanics.

Spoiler advisory: we do not discuss many specific moments in Commonplace, but do talk a lot about the general structure and tone of the game. I’d recommend playing the game before listening, if only because everything will make much more sense.

Commonplace is available on PC and Mac for free via itch.

You can follow Max on Twitter @Funbil_ and keep up with Pitter-Patter @PitterPatterDev.

Max’s Good Thing to Share
Appreciating small, not-yet-nostalgic memories (also Tim Roger’s review of boku no natsuyasumi)

Things Discussed
- Commonplace
Commonplace Original Soundtrack (Max Miller, 2022)
- Yume Nikki (Kikiyama, 2004)

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nathalie, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one and supporting Kritiqal on Ko-Fi.