Spiders in your games, spiders in your site

Banner for Kritiqal Care episode 59, featuring Spiders.

Spiders (they/them) are an alt game dev specializing in queer, grimy, anti-tech industry experiments. In this episode, we chat about their upcoming anthology game, The Museum of Radically Obsolete Futures, the tension between wanting to make shit that’s cool vs shit that sells, and how vital communities like The Queer Games Bundle are to the weird game scene.

You can find spiders behind you, play their games on itch, and follow them on Twitter @spiderszzz.

Spiders’ Cool Thing to Share
Playing Disco Elysium (2019, ZA/UM) as a weekly social book club

Things Discussed
The Museum of Radically Obsolete Futures
Flight Simulator 20XX Infinity (spiders, 2020)
Space Funeral 3D (spiders and krisekrise, 2021)
Occult Spreadsheet Synthesizer (spiders, 2021)
Cursed List of Jungle Tilesets as Narrated by Werner Herzog (spiders and krisekrise, 2021)
Nathalie Lawhead’s CSS itch profiles
The Queer Games Bundle 2022 (available until July 6th 2022! Buy it!!)
The Indiepocalypse Pledge Drive (happening through July 2022! Support it!!)

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nathalie, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one and supporting Kritiqal on Ko-Fi.