Aubrey Isaacman on intimacy and the physicality of game controllers
For episode 7 of Kritiqal Care, Aubrey Isaacman (she/her; they/them) comes on to discuss how her games approach intimacy and emphasize player emotion. She has worked on projects ranging from the card game Intimacy to the VR experience everybody’s sad, and is currently pursing an MFA in Games & Interactive Media at the University of Southern California.
You can find out more about Aubrey’s games on her site and follow her on Twitter @Lynnfactor.
Aubrey’s Good Thing to Share
Zoom Jam - A game jam of games you can play over video calls
GOAT PICS - Scroll down for one from my family’s farm
Things Discussed
everybody‘s sad
Sunset Overdrive
What Remains of Edith Finch
The Unfinished Swan
Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nate Kiernan, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts.
a very good goat
on another very good goat