Xalavier Nelson Jr. released three games while you read this headline

Kritiqal Care episode 52, featuring Xalavier Nelson Jr.

Xalavier Nelson Jr. (he/him) is a prolific videogame writer, producer, and internet poster, working on everything from An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs (Strange Scaffold, 2021) to Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator (Strange Scaffold, upcoming). He took some time away from creating every videogame to walk through how he moved from games criticism to development, the challenge and necessity of figuring out what you enjoy creating, and the existential dark comedy of a drunk puppy.

You can follow Nelson on Twitter @WritNelson, and find a sample of his games on itch.

Xalavier’s Good Thing to Share
The vast troves of art and media available to everyone right now (up to my ears in creative juices)

Things Discussed
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs
Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator
Can Androids Survive (aPriori Digital, 2021)
Skatebird (Glass Bottom Games, 2021)
El Paso, Elsewhere (Strange Scaffold, upcoming)

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nate Kiernan, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one and supporting Kritiqal on Ko-Fi.