Dave Gilbert talks closing out the Blackwell Saga and new beginnings with Unavowed

Episode 32 (Horizontal).png

Dave Gilbert (he/him) is the founder and head of Wadjet Eye Games, creators of numerous modern adventure game classics including Unavowed (Wadjet Eye, 2018) and the Blackwell Saga. Dave stopped in to discuss the studio’s history, moving into publishing, and the emotionally intense experience of closing out Rosa Blackwell and Joey’s story with The Blackwell Epiphany (Wadjet Eye, 2014). Come for the indie lore, stay for Adventure Game Studio haystack hacks.

You can follow Dave on Twitter @WadjetEyeGames, join the studio Discord, and find all their games at wadjeteyegames.com

Dave’s Inspiring Thing to Share
The election results and the hope they might bring

Things Discussed
The Emerald City Confidential (2009)
Puzzle Bots (2010)
Gemini Rue (2011)
Resonance (2012)
The Blackwell Legacy (2006)
The Blackwell Epiphany

Kritiqal Care is produced by me, Nate Kiernan, with music by Desired. It's available on Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get podcasts. If you enjoyed the show, consider sharing it with a loved one. It means a lot.

Dave Gilbert (he/him) is the founder and head of Wadjet Eye Games, creators of numerous modern adventure game classics including Unavowed (Wadjet Eye, 2018) and the Blackwell Saga. Dave stopped in to discuss the studio's history, moving into publishing, and the emotionally intense experience of closing out Rosa Blackwell and Joey's story with The Blackwell Epiphany (Wadjet Eye, 2014).